Three weeks ago, I won an incredible scholarship that will finance the remainder of my undergrad degree. Five days ago, I was accepted to Stanford University. Yes, it happens every year to lots of people, but not to ME! I'm a 50 year old re-entry mother of four, who spent 12 years going to community college and working mostly as an administrative assistant. Now I'm going to Stanford, and it is completely paid for. For the past five months I have visualized myself being accepted; I would look at this picture, put my finger on the chair, and say, "My butt HERE." And now it's happened.
Now that the dream has materialized, I have to figure out how this all works--it was just theory before! My wonderful husband is staying home to hold down the fort while I chase the white rabbit. He'll be a loooong 7 hours away, so time together will be at a premium, especially with gas at damn near $4.00 a gallon.
My heartfelt urging to any reader: dream the big dreams, work your ass off, and never, never, NEVER give up.
This is an amazing story I plan to follow.
Hi Carla, love your blog and your story! You should submit your blog to the Stanford Blog Directory: http://blog.stanford.edu where we're building a community of student/faculty/staff/alumni bloggers. Cheers, Ian
Thanks for that tip, Ian! I will definitely get on the Stanford blog roll.
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